
How You
Can Help
Underinvestment in water and sanitation infrastructure, combined with natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, has resulted in Haiti having the lowest rates of access to clean water in the western hemisphere. For the residents of Grand-Bois, this can mean sourcing water for drinking and cooking from rivers and lakes polluted with sewage, or walking all day to fill a bucket from a remote water source.
Access to clean water is a human right. With the support of our generous donors, ServeHAITI has made remarkable strides to provide accessible and sustainable clean water to one of Haiti’s most remote regions.
operational Wells
Home System Assessments
“Sonje lapli ki leve mayiou.”

Well Drilling
Our wells serve thousands of families in Grand-Bois, but there are still many areas that lack clean water. The biggest challenge to building additional wells at this time is the poor condition of the main road through Grand-Bois. The road is unpaved, narrow and frequently obstructed, making it almost impossible to transport a drilling rig. However, after 20 years in Haiti, we know how to work alongside the community to solve difficult challenges. With your support, ServeHAITI will continue to partner with the community of Grand-Bois to overcome these obstacles and bring fresh water to the region.

Aquatabs Distributed
Bucket Systems
Bucket Repairs Made
Gift of Water
Filtration Systems
These portable, 2-bucket filtration systems incorporate chlorination to disinfect and a physical filtration step that removes particles to provide five gallons of drinkable water. The buckets are distributed by 17 ServeHAITI Water Technicians who monitor water quality and teach residents how to properly use the system. To date, more than 5,400 systems have been distributed to provide sanitary water to an estimated 45,000 people.

You can help the people of Grand-Bois access clean water today

How You Can Help
No matter where you are in the world, you can help make Grand-Bois a thriving, sustainable and healthy community. Please stand in solidarity with us today!