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Haitians place a high value on education, but most families can only afford to send one child to school, and then only for a few years. In Haiti, families are expected to cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, and supplies. That’s tough to manage when you can’t put food on your table.
Worldwide, Haiti is ranked 177th out of 186 countries for education spending. More than 90% of Haiti’s schools are run privately. The few public, government-funded schools are concentrated in highly urbanized areas such as the country’s capital of Port-au-Prince – far away from the rural community of Grand-Bois. Approximately 57% of primary students are enrolled in schools and only 30% make it to the sixth grade. Secondary schools enroll only 20% of the school-age population. Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas and the 3rd poorest country in the world. Approximately 2.5 million Haitians live in extreme poverty, earning below $1.25 per day. The need for quality education programs is of utmost importance to provide a hand up from poverty.
The goal of the ServeHAITI Education Initiative is to assure
Students are prepared to learn.
Teachers are prepared to teach.
Buildings provide a quality and adequate learning environment.
“Tout moun semoun.”
Everyone deserves to be treated like a human being.
– Haitian Proverb

Training Program
In order to improve the quality of education for the Grand-Bois community, ServeHAITI provided a Teacher Training Program from 2010 to 2018. ServeHAITI began a three-week training program to approximately 45 teachers each summer, covering 15 schools in the Grand-Bois region. Every 3 years, 15 new schools began the training. All told, 45 regional schools completed the program, impacting over 9,000 students.
Summer Teacher Training Program >
Teachers Trained

Restore Our Schools Program
To create an environment more conducive to learning, ServeHAITI launched the Restore Our Schools Program in 2013. Its goal was to improve the infrastructure and buildings of the schools that have completed the Teacher Training Program. For each school, an enhancement plan was devised, which included providing or repairing chalkboards, desks, benches, roofs, doors, and concrete flooring, as well as painting and exterior maintenance. For most projects, local Haitian workers are employed to complete the renovation or rebuilding of the school, bringing new jobs to the area. Six schools were renovated or rebuilt.
In the fall 2019, ServeHAITI assisted in opening a new school – Bon Samaritain de Palmes in LesPalmes. The building of this school was made possible through two generous donors and the guidance of a strong school administrator. Over 400 students are currently enrolled.
< Updates made to Ecole Mixte Adonai in La Twazon in 2013
Schools Restored

Before & After of Ecole Mixte La Pepiniere in La Pepiniere.
Thinking about ServeHAITI. I realize how important it is to build a school in the furthest areas so that children could go to school. Because there are too many kids growing without instructions because their parents don’t have the means to pay school for them.

Before & After of Ecole Mardochee de Mambo in La Twazon.
You can help the children of Grand-Bois access a quality education today

How You Can Help
For the children of Grand-Bois, a quality education is the key to a healthier, brighter future for themselves and for the community. Today’s young learners grow into tomorrow’s leaders, who will help the people of this region take control of their own destiny.
Average annual tuition for a single student is $75, an amount that can place school out of reach for many residents. But, with your support, we can continue to promote access to education throughout the region.
No matter where you are in the world, you can help make Grand-Bois a thriving, sustainable and healthy community. Please stand in solidarity with us today!
ServeHAITI is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.